Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Check out my new Trading Card

I made this card with the Trading Card app from ReadWriteThink!

1 comment:

  1. Bibliography

    "Van Allen, James".America the Beautiful. Grolier Online, 2015.Web.31 Mar. 2015

    "Van Allen, James Alfred(1914-2006)."Encyclopedia Americana. Grolier ONline, 2015. Web, 31 Mar. 2015

    Akasofu, S-I." Van Allen Radiation Belts." Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2015. Web 31 Mar. 2015
    Brainy Quote.Xplore .Web. 1 Apr. 2015

    "Van Allen, James Alfred(1914-2006)."The New Book of Popular Science. Grolier Online, 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2015
