Friday, September 20, 2013

Mars One Mission and Pillownauts

For current events, we will be researching two astronomy topics in the news.  The first topic is the Mars One Mission where for a few dollars a seat can be purchased for the first human mission to the red planet.  The second topic is about a NASA research program studying microgravity affects where the test participants have to remain in bed.  You will be comparing and contrasting the benefits to these projects to the risks.


  1. Mars One Mission

    I would not sign up for the Mars One Mission because chances are I will probably die, and I am not ready to loose my life just yet. Another reason I would not want to go on the Mars One Mission because being protecting from radiation would be to hard. My last reason I would not want to go on the Mars One Mission is because of how hard it would be to maintain my health especially because there isn't any hospitals and probably minimal medicines. Those are some reasons I do not want to go on the Mars One Mission.

  2. Mars One Mission

    If I had a choice of going to Mars on the Mars One Mission I would have to look at the risks and benefits. A benefit is that if I went to Mars it would be a great way to help humanity to better ourselves. Another resine to go would be that the once in a liftime opportunity for only 38$. After studying the facts I would have to say that the Mars One Mission is not the mission for me. Pehaps with more advanced technologhy and a possibility of comeing back I would be able to commit to such a life changing opportunity.

  3. If i got the chance to go to Mars i whould say no because i whould have yo make rivers plant trees make wood make every thing we need to survive.Also it's a suecidal misson because we might die of dehighdystion by hunger or if you step a foot on mars you might die.Plus you whould'nt be able to have babbies unless you build a house and have a hopetal and have docters.Also some things people whant to go to Mars is that they whant to see how it looks like,there no laws,and no one busing you around.So i wont participate on the One mars mission.

  4. Mars One Mission
    There is a program that has been created that's goal is to send groups of people to Mars to collonize the Red Planet. The goal is to send people to Mars in the year 2023. Of course, there are always benefits and and risks of such extreame missions.
    Some benefits of the trip are to experiment with humans if life can survive on the Red Planet. People willing to take the risk of suicide will be sent off to face the extreames and show scientists the critical information they've been waiting for all these years. We'll also be able to collect other information about Mars that can't always be passed on by rovers and robots. If this project really does work, this could even help the Earth to solve the problem of over-population, if it ever becomes a real problem. Lastly, this project seems to be very popular amoung people age eighteen and older. This could mean that the support could make the idea a success.
    This project also has multiple risks. For example, the climate on Mars is in the extreames, at least in cold temperatures. This can cause snow because sometimes the temperature drops dramatically, colder than any temperature recorded on planet Earth. The tempurature hardly ever gets above seventy degrees. The surface of the Red Planet is very sandy, making it possible for dust devils to occur. The atmosphere of Mars is even a problem, being 95% carbon dioxide and only 0.13% oxygen. Radiation thrives here as well, making Mars a deadly zone.
    Another problem about this project is the fact that when you choose to go to the Red Planet and are sent off, there's no going back. That means that if you get homesick, miss your friends, miss Earth's entertainment, or miss any number of things, there's no possible way to come back to your home planet. Even with this fact though, some people are simply happy to leave forever.
    Overall, this trip may be something you've dreamed of doing your entire life, only you have to live with the thought of commiting possible suicide for applying. Even with all the terrible risks, some people still are "determined to go to Mars." So no matter what the opinions of other people are, this trip will most certainly not be postphoned unless the odds are against it. I hope that this review has been of some importance and will help you decide if you will embark on this mission or not.

    -Sarah N. Morris

  5. Mars On a Mission
    I would'nt want to be apart of the Mars One because in the videos and articals that I have read they all talk about how their is only a one way trip and theirs no going back and that honestly does scare me !!! I also dont want to go because I have learned that Mars has a thin atmosphere so it cant support humon life. And taht dosnt make sense to me. And because, then why are they sending humons their if that artical clearly staits that ?!?!? I also read in one of the artical that the only reason they want to send people to Mars is because they just want to have two worlds to live in.

    Written By,
    Chloe Bloom

  6. Wana be on mars one, huh? Well, you have untill September 30, 2013 to sing up for $38. A lot alredy say they are martians just wanting to make it offical. Almost forgot that you have to be 18. I just wonder how they would get food for every one on there. I wold not want to go on there because I don't to leave my family.
    -Nathan Bledsoe

  7. Mars One Mission
    I would not sign up for the Mars One mission, because there could be a high death risk. The benifits of this mission woulbe, a lower chance of over population on Earth. Another benifit is, our country could make more money by, having people pay to go on "vacations" to Mars. The last benift I thought of is, we would have less people to feed if anything were to go wrong. The risks that could happen would be, death from radiation when all the people go to Mars. Another risk that could happen could be the people on Mars running out of food. As you can see there are some risks and benifits, however that doesnt make me want to go!

  8. I WILL NOT be a pillownaut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will not go because a pillownaut lays down 24/7 unless there takeing test on there body.The benefits are people will see the muscle lows and mintal tratigeas.I stay active and it would be miserable.the chances of being to fat are to high.those arethe pillownaut life.

  9. Mars One Mission
    After reading the material and comparing and contrasting the benifits and risks associated with the trip I see that... the only benifits on going on the Mars mission one is that: theres a posibilty that they might find life, there considering turning it into a reality tv show, and it only cost thirty-eight dollars a ticket. But there are alot more at risk with going to Mars: for one Mars has thin atmosphere, too thin to support life, about one hundred times thinner than Earth,very dusty air, its 95 percent carbon dioxide, its an average -80 degeres fahrenheit (-60 degeres fahrenheit),their are dust devils, dust storms, snow, the mission costs 6 billion dollars, and theirs no coming back! I wouldnt want to go because were built to live on Earth and theirs no coming back!

  10. A pillownought is somone who lays down in bed for 70 days 24/7. This is for the study of what zero gravity does to your body over time while your in space.Some of these tests consist of muscle size, and your strenth and bone health. The bone loss rate in space is 1% to 1.5%. This study is to try and prevent muscle and bone loss.I would not sign up because you would lose muscles and bone.


    I thought it would be cool to be a Pillownaut. Pillownauts are on earth and stay in bed for 70 days and cant get up. Scientists are finding ways for people to exercise while they stay in bed. Because, its possibly to die since you cant walk or do anything. The exercise program is counter measure and functional testing. It benefits them to keep them healthy. BUt, it also wouldtn be fun to do anything in bed for 70 days, becasue youwouldnt get to hangout with friends, do any sports, or hangout with your family!

    Taylor Shewmaker :)

  12. No I would not do it no no no! Why would you wanna be a pillownaut. There is alot of good things. But more bad things!!!! A bad thing would be is that if you are in bed for that long and you have to go to the bathroom to bad you have to pee your pants a good thing is that you get alot of risks so byye.

  13. I would not want to live on Mars for many of reasons. The first reason I would not like to live on Mars is because there is hardly any air. The second reason is because the atmosphere is very, very thin. The third reason is because food would be harder to eat than it would be to eat on Earth.

  14. I don't want to be a pilownaut because it is a waste of my life to lay down for 70 days. It doesn't have any benfits at all. It shuts down your muscles and bones. So im gonna say i dont want to.
