Monday, September 8, 2014

Centripetal forces at work

Centripetal fun

More centripetal force

Science and learning

Centripetal force exploration

Take 2

Centripetal force demo

Fun with learning

Centripetal forces exploration

Fun and learning

Centripetal force activity

Exploring centripetal motion

Fun in science

Friday, September 5, 2014

YouTube movie link

Link to YouTube movie:
Movie title: agles of sunlight on earth from space
Movie description: Made with Explain Everything
Movie category: Education
The movie is public

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Sent from my iPad

Reasons for seasons abigale rice and Carly Rogers

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, September 4, 2014

YouTube movie by Alec and zach

Link to YouTube movie:
Movie title: Made with Explain Everything
Movie description:
Movie category: Education
The movie is public

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Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Vanessa and Morgan

Link to YouTube movie:
Movie title: vanessa , morgan
Movie description: Made with Explain Everything
Movie category: Education
The movie is unlisted

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Sent from my iPad

YouTube movie link

Link to YouTube movie:
Movie title: Brandon Baker and Hailey Biessel
Movie description:
Movie category: Education
The movie is unlisted

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Sent from my iPad

YouTube movie link

Link to YouTube movie:
Movie title: vanessa , morgan
Movie description: Made with Explain Everything
Movie category: Education
The movie is unlisted

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Sent from my iPad

patrick and collin - Explain Everything movie file

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